
Sex Crimes in Texas

Sex crimes can be devastating for everyone involved.  Even just a rumor or an investigation of a sex crime can ruin an individual.  It is hard to return your reputation to normal after being accused of such a serious crime.

If you have been accused, or if they have already placed charges on you, then you need a Houston Sex Crimes Lawyer as soon as possible.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a misdemeanor such as Indecent Exposure, or a very serious felony for Sexual Assault, you need to be represented.  The consequences for these types of cases are severe, and can ruin you forever (even if you beat the charge!).  Just the stigma of being charged can cause people to look at you differently.

As your lawyer I will be there to help you through the legal process.  I will do everything in my power to get you the best possible outcome.

Why Hire Attorney Eric J Benavides?

Dedicated to Defending

I have been a defense lawyer since day one.  Many defense lawyers are former prosecutors who were fired, or who quit.  I have never been a prosecutor, I never wanted to be a prosecutor.  Many attorneys brag about being ex-prosecutors, and I have always found that interesting.  I understand the logic, they have seen both sides of the fence.  But I am not the type of person who has ever wanted to “put people in jail”.  My heart has always been in defending people, and that is where it will be forever.  Even worse, some attorneys practice multiple types of law.  I am dedicated to criminal defense, that is what I do, and that is what I will always do.


The number one complaint I get from people who fire another lawyer and hire me is that they can never get a hold of their attorney.  This will never be a problem with me.  My office phone is answered 24/7.  All of my clients get my cell phone as well.  Throughout the day I am constantly talking, emailing, or texting my clients.  With technology as advanced as it is today, there is no reason at all why you should not be able to get a hold of your lawyer.

I Will Be Your Lawyer

Many attorneys sign clients up, then on the day of court a young, fresh out of law school lawyer shows up to represent you.  I do not do this.  I do not refer cases out.  I am the lawyer that will handle your case, and I will be there with you in court.  Unless there is some emergency and I cannot make it, I will always be there.  To this point in my career I have never missed a court date for any of the thousands of clients I have been in charge of representing (knock on wood).

A Willingness to Fight

I am not a plea lawyer.  There are many lawyers who go to court on the first court date and try to convince you to plea guilty.  I don’t do that.  Sure, you might end up going to court longer with me than you would with another lawyer, but that is because I am fighting for you!  See my recent case results to get an idea of the type of success I have.  Success is not an accident.

When Can Having a Sex Crimes Lawyer Be Beneficial?

From the very start of an investigation!

You will probably read this all over my website, but never talk to the police!  If they are investigating a case against you, they are probably going to charge you.  They are never wanting you to come in to clear it up so they can close their case.  They are wanting you to either give them more evidence than they already have, or they are looking for a confession.  Neither of those two things is good for you.  It doesn’t matter if you are innocent or guilty, you should not talk to the police.  Instead, let them know that you are hiring a lawyer and that you would prefer not to say anything without them present.  Of course, once you hire me I will do the talking for you, and I will likely not allow you to talk to any sort of law enforcement.

If you do get charged, then I will be there to either prepare of packet of evidence for the Grand Jury, or simply start preparing the case for trial.  I prepare every case as if it is going to trial.  It gives us the best opportunity to see the positives in the case for us, and also gives me the information I need to get you the best possible deal in the event we decide that we do not want to fight the case, but instead seek a deal.

Get a Free Consultation

If you are reading this, then the time to call 713-222-2828 is now. It is important to have a Houston Criminal Attorney as soon as possible when you are charged with a serious crime.  The police are already on you, the DA is already prosecuting you, you need someone to defend you. You cannot do it alone! I am here to help. You can also contact me about your case by filling in the following information. The first consultation is always free.